An African woman arrives in a strange country fleeing for her life, seeking safety and asylum. Despite having committed no crime she is indefinitely confined, i...
Tiwani Contemporary is pleased to announce The Stranger’s Notebook (Prologue), a solo exhibition of new work by Dawit L. Petros. This will be Petros’ first solo...
Untangling a Thorny Knot: Migration and Development in the Horn of Africa
In this lecture Dr Laura Hammond will examine the connection between migration in a...
The Immigrant by Joy Gharoro- Akpojotor is a provocative play that explores what the world would look like if Africa was the most powerful continent in the Wo...
Wakaa! The Musical is a play about the trials, successes and experiences of graduates with varied backgrounds, a wager between them after graduation has a twist...
The Gallery of African Art (GAFRA) is pleased to present Threads of Art, a solo exhibition of new and recent works by the acclaimed Ghanaian-born UK based artis...